Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Same today not the same 2molo

I am going to make a great change in NP3,
So come on challenge me.

So what if you think i am wrong,
I am doing it for God not for you.
I love my CG so i am doing it.

I make sure that the devil will not spoil my plan,
for this plan is annoited by God no by man.

NP3 there i come,
Don't stop me but guide me,
Don't pull me but push me,
I am going to move and push the group.

all my strength + god strength.

If don't move i assess, even it is only one person
i am willing to stop, we move together as a whole,
not alone.

Vision of NP3 = Love increase
desire to care for one another
serving God 100%
fruitfulness ( last priority)
saturated Souls
SOUL of compassion